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Thank you for visitting my blog.If you want to find out more about Jurassic Park,you can read the Jurassic Park book by Michael Crichton

Now the tyranosaur was standing on the road

Now the tyranosaur was standing on the road

Friday, February 5, 2010

The beginning and The End

Today,I found out the dinosaurs was breeding.I'm afraid the dinosaurs can attack us.After,I went to different jeep.I saw that the T-Rex wanted to attack us! Now,we're in danger.Especially for Tim,Lex,and Alan.I don't know what to do to find them.

The other problem is there're no sensor in this park so no-one can control the dinosaurs.I don't know where's Ed Regis-the computer expert.

Next day...   

I went back to Safari Lodge with Malcolm and Harding.Malcolm was sick and later he is in the hospital. Hammond and the children already back to the control room.Dr.Wu was killed by raptor.

The End of The Park...
 The soldiers came to the park to destroy the park.Hammond was died.The hole Jurassic Park was on fire!
 The End  

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